A Direct Path to Success

The Success-GPS
Group Coaching Program

Learn the Most Direct Route to the Life of Your Dreams

  • Tired of Not Getting Results? Have you tried many systems, approaches and strategies for success and not realized the results you want? 

  • Don't Know What to Focus On? Are you confused as to what you should focus on to reach your goals?

  • Given Up on Your Dreams? Do you feel that there is no way to achieve them given your current circumstances?

Why Wait? Reserve your spot now!

The number one reason most people are not making the progress they are capable of making is because they don’t know what to adjust for better results. The Success-GPS Assessment solves that problem easily and effectively and serves as your personalized roadmap during The Success-GPS Group Coaching Program.

The Success-GPS Group Coaching Program is a highly effective personal global positioning system that reveals exactly what an individual is doing or not doing to get the results he/she is now getting and provides a laser-focused road map for arriving at the desired destination in the fastest, most efficient way possible.


The Success-GPS Group Coaching Program is set-up over several months to actively drill down into the applicable nine essential areas of life that correspond to each section of the Success-GPS Assessment where you may be experiencing real and unconscious blocks. That’s why this customized program is so effective because until those blocks have been identified and alleviated, they will continue to keep you from your goals, outcomes and rightful success. Further, we use targeted sections of the powerful Success-GPS Playbook that apply to your specific situation to increase your awareness and get you past those blocks even faster.


And as far as the price…well, that’s why I’m doing this group coaching process. It’s more economically effective for each person in a small group to avail themselves of coaching rather than the cost of what I normally charge my individual corporate clients. Plus, you get the value of other people’s experience all while going through a proven, highly effective, facilitated coaching system. And finally, there are no contracts to lock you in and a full 30-day money back guarantee if you decide that this is not what you are ready for. There is NO RISK…only upside.

If you’ve ever thought of having your own Success Coach to help you to go to higher levels of personal and professional growth, now is the time to do this as I have room for only 8 people in this very specialized program.

About the Coach: Marc W. Schwartz

“My mission and passion is to help people break through self imposed barriers so they can have a successful, authentic and abundant life.”

For over thirty years, Marc W. Schwartz has traveled the globe training and consulting with corporate leaders, managers, and sales professionals. He helps them identify and build on the intrinsic motivation that truly drives them to reach their best both personally and professionally. Additionally, he has trained whole teams and organizations on coaching, leadership and sales skills.

"What People Are Saying"

“Marc was a highly effective executive coach for me during a period of significant transition in my professional life. Marc identified areas that would benefit from focus. He validated the results of baseline assessments and monitored my progress with a carefully-managed 360 feedback process, assessing my progress objectively over the course of our work together. The changes that I have effected in myself with Marc’s guidance have been remarked on positively by many. More than 2 years after completing my work with Marc, I can say that his coaching was effective and lasting.” 


Greg Beattie
Charles River

“Marc, you helped me to clarify my professional goals by helping me understand my authentic self. Further, you helped me recognize the obstacles between me and my goals, develop a plan to overcome the obstacles and move forward in my pursuit of success. Thank you for your tremendous investment in me.  I am THANKFUL and changed.  This work would have taken years if done on my own: Faster, Better, Easier!”​


Mark Roberts

CEO - Physicians Assistant Solutions

"I want to thank you for the countless benefits I received from your coaching during the past six months.  You facilitated our coaching sessions with remarkable aplomb and always impressed me with your ability to help me arrive at answers to questions I had not initially even thought to ask.  In a world crowded with so many “experts”, it has indeed been refreshing to have had the privilege to work with you."

Whit Dreher

“I’ve been working with Marc for a few years and he has had substantial impact on helping me to see areas I needed to focus on for true authenticity in my professional and personal life. He has an amazing gift of LISTENING and then coaching with positivism and compassion at a completely individual level, which for me, led to enlightenment and direction related to my next career choice. I recommend him to anyone needing neutral feedback geared specifically for them with zero agenda except to help you improve yourself – Marc will bring that and more.”


Christine West

Marc did a very good job of finding out what my values are, how I work and what my thought processes are before we ever went into how I could become a better leader. This was beneficial to me so that when we discussed an area for growth, he knew what my obstacles were going to be.


Clint Wiley

Marc provided a trusting, judgment free environment. During the RAMP session I completely surrendered my mind, my thoughts, and became completely vulnerable. I couldn’t believe the memories that came to light...I knew instantly that whatever work we were doing was helping me. HELPING ME work toward to successful a ME!  I am looking forward to future sessions! 

Mindy Geiser

Air Gas

“Marc and I worked together on identifying and overcoming obstacles that were preventing me from living the life I wanted.  During that time, Marc was not only professional in his methodology, but also highly attentive to what I said or implied and the work I was doing.  He provided an environment where I could break down barriers, face vulnerabilities, build new skills and embrace new personal truths.  Working with Marc was extremely effective and productive for me, and I recommend him highly.”


Linda Lofthus

Register Now! Take the first step to get on your rightful success path.

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